Status of Broadcom's VC4 and VC5 Graphics Drivers
Presentation at XDC 2017 about the status of the vc4 and the new vc5/bcmv graphics drivers.
Testing the X Server
Presentation at XDC 2016 about work on improving the new (and existing) X Server developer experience.
Open Source OpenGL on the Raspberry Pi
Presentation at LCA 2015 about my work at Broadcom on building an open source driver stack.
Building X 2D rendering acceleration with OpenGL (video)
Presentation at LCA 2014 about replacing 200,000 lines of device-specific 2D driver code with about 20,000 lines of device-independent 2D driver code and hopefully never writing another 2D driver again.
DRI megadrivers
Presentation at XDC 2013 about reworking how we build DRI drivers for better performance and disk space savings.
Linux Gaming at Last! (video)
Presentation at LCA 2013 on our work with Valve and the Humble Indie Bundle in bringing games to Linux.
compare-perf (video)
Lightning talk at LCA 2013 about a helper for doing performance tests for your code. If you work in software and read/watch one talk I've ever done, please make it this.
Directions in Linux OpenGL (video)
Presentation in 2012 at GStreamer Conference 2012 on Mesa and Intel OpenGL stack changes.
Intel Graphics Userland Update (video)
Presentation in 2012 at FOSDEM 2012 on changes in the Intel Graphics userland stack, and future directions.
Mesa's GLSL compiler
Presentation in 2011 at 2011 on the new GLSL compiler in Mesa.
Quick miniconf presentation at 2011 updating the cairo-gl information from the FOSDEM 2010 talk.
Presentation in 2010 at FOSDEM 2010 on the cairo-gl work: how it was implemented, what the performance numbers looked like, and where it could go from there.
Linux Graphics Development Model
Presentation in 2008 at FreedomHEC Taipei on how the Linux graphics development model is changing, and an outline of how to build a graphics driver from scratch.
GEM in the Intel driver
Presentation outline in 2008 at XDS on GEM (Graphics Execution Manager) development
Look-Ahead Routing Reduces Wrong Turns in Freenet-Style Peer-to-Peer Systems
Discusses research performed by our group in the summer of 2004 in reducing pathlength in simulations of a Freenet-style network.
High Performance X Servers in the Kdrive Architecture
Discusses my work on the Kdrive Acceleration Architecture for the Xati X Server.